Thursday, April 26, 2012


I started thinking in my class today: all of these stories are about all of these larger than life "supermen," but what about the rest of us? A lot of literature inspires us to be more than we actually are, while other literature tells us to "just be us." Is the middle ground being the best version of us? My curiosity was ignited with another thought: if I'm not good at anything, then am I being the best me? SHOULD I be good at something? I feel like a great portion of my life has been trying to find the activity I am best at, and in relation to others, there really isn't one. Don't get me wrong, because I'm not complaining, but it has lead me down a path of mediocre complacency. I romanticize too much for that to work. I love the star wars universe, and comic books, and generally anything with a greater than thou hero character. I love the supernatural, and I love mystery. But I don't experience those things. I will never throw Emperor Palpatine into a pit, I'll never web sling through New York City, and I'll never have to shoot 006 to save the world. My question is "is this a shame?" Should I strive for these things, or is it wrong to take pride in my jack-of-all-things attitude? I think, for the time being, I'll find contentment in the middle.

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