Friday, April 16, 2010

Dear friends,

Sometimes I feel like some of you don't ever call. Or text. And we don't talk enough, do we? Sometimes, I sort of feel like I'm that last resort for you. To that I say this: knock it off. I don't do it to you. And I kinda feel like this might be a pathetic way of doing it, but you continue to...
-seem disinterested when we talk/hang out.
-show up late when you know I hate it.
-neglect to invite me to do anything.

And where's the encouragement? I feel like sometimes, rather than friends, you're a crowd of these guys:

Which is a real bummer. In fact, could we at least TRY to be friends? I know it might harsh your style, but seriously. Otherwise, we need to have a talk.*

*Obviously, this post isn't for everyone. But anyone who feels guilty of this, let me know. I'll let you know if it's you that I'm talking about. Thanks! (for nothing, I suppose)


  1. Ha i feel like this is directed completely towards me.

  2. haha you are actually misguided. don't worry.

  3. shit. i know what you mean. so much. there are just certain people who are always talking about like, say, a party or something, and they say they will let me know whats going on when they find out about it. and in the back of their mind theyre thinking "yea right". i think this same stuff all the time.

    i know i asked earlier if i had anything to do with this, but i feel like i should work on the negativity thing brought up about me so much lately. i liked being known as the nice guy, and i slowly somehow became real hateful and negative. ill work on that i guess. haha

  4. hey andy, it would help if you werent such a pussy.

  5. Fuckin get over it. Be a man. People are retarded. Most of the time when you go out you realize how dumb most people are anyways. Whats the point? Fuckin, I prefer to be alone anymore. Red from that 70's show is my idol!! ha
    I am sure you can guess who this is. A hint anyways: I have your inside edition tape.
