Thursday, May 13, 2010

Lights out

So I have no electricity... I've been just sort of bumming around, waiting for that to get fixed. I get on here, wondering "Has anyone updated their blog?" Nope. LAZY. How can you guys seriously never update? Am I the only one with no hobbies? That's not even true, I partied today. So anyways, cole and andy have a get rich quick scheme... call me when it works. haha I'm kidding, but seriously: call me.

Anyways, life is seriously this boring, I'll be back when the electricity turns back on. Later.

1 comment:

  1. its more like a "get rich quick and blow the money on boards an prod pants" scheme. haha. but no srsly, the lady said about $150 with what we had so far and we have moar!
